The art of the bouquet


"The Art of the Bouquet" is a master class focused on the intricacies of bouquet making. Participants will explore how to select the perfect flowers, combine colors effectively, and apply sophisticated packaging techniques to create stunning bouquets that stand out.

Key Learnings

Selection of flowers based on freshness, color, and symbolism.
Color theory application to achieve harmonious shade combinations.
Advanced bouquet packaging methods to enhance the overall presentation.
This course offers a blend of online tutorials, live demonstrations, and hands-on practice sessions, all led by experienced bouquet artists. Feedback and personalized tips are provided throughout the course to improve skills.

Suited for florists, hobbyists, and anyone looking to elevate their bouquet-making skills, whether for personal enjoyment or professional development.

Graduates will be proficient in crafting bespoke bouquets, from choosing the right flowers and colors to applying elegant packaging techniques, ready to captivate recipients and clients alike.

Course duration: 150 hours.